+91 9987584555 | 9987681932 | 9920568555 | 9920830555    +971554997514 | +971527357251    sales@spraynozzles.ae    P.O. Box No. 87556, Unit No. M01-93, Unique world business center, Ansar gallery complex, Dubai.

Y Type Strainer

Flanged and Grooved Type Y-Type Strainers

Size: 2” to 12”

Maximum Working Pressure: 300 PSI

Ductile Iron Construction (ASTM A536, 65-45-12)

Fusion Bonded Epoxy Coated

Removable cover for cleaning without removing strainer body from the pipeline

Strainer can be installed in either a horizontal or vertical position (Downward flow) with the screen element pointing downward