+91 9987584555 | 9987681932 | 9920568555 | 9920830555    +971554997514 | +971527357251    sales@spraynozzles.ae    P.O. Box No. 87556, Unit No. M01-93, Unique world business center, Ansar gallery complex, Dubai.

HV Nozzle

Spraytech’ s High Velocity Water Spray Nozzles are specially designed for use in fixed water spray or deluge system for the fire protection application. It has internal vane design to generate uniform solid/Full cone spray pattern and dense core of high velocity water spray for efficient fire control.

Spraytech’s High Velocity Water Spray Nozzles are normally used to cool the surface as well as for extinguishment. High Velocity Water Spray Nozzles are typically used for Deluge protection of special hazards such as oil filled transformers, switch-gear, chemical process equipment, conveyor system and flammable liquid storage areas.